Opi lisää seurakaveristasi – Tereza Uhlíková
1. Nimi: Tereza Uhlíková
2. Ikä: 31
3. Historiasi OK Trianissa?: I came to work to Helsinki in 2020 and 2021 I have joined Trian to have an orienteering club here I can run for at races and join some activities.
4. Mikä on tehtäväsi seurassa?: Just a member/runner.
5. Suunnistatko, jos kyllä niin kauanko olet suunnistanut?: I have orienteered since 2003, but only until about 2014 on some more serious racing level.
6. Odotatko kovasti Porvoo Borgå Jukolaa?: Yes.
7. Miten osallistut Porvoo Borgå Jukolan järjestelyyn?: I’ve signed up for some volunteering work in spring 2023 and then on Saturday 17.6.2023 in the competition centre.
8. Suosikki metrilaku maku?: Banana, strawberry.
9. Katsotko koko Jukolan vai menetkö nukkumaan heti lähdön jälkeen?: I hope next year I finally watch more than first two legs, I usually get tired.
10. Paras Jukola muisto?: When I ran the first leg of Venla in 2022, it was the best fun.
Jukola 2023